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Session Description:

Are you experiencing stagnancy in your life? Do you desire to find direction but cannot seem to receive the insight to get aligned? Consider a quantum healing session to achieve your break-through! This is a combination service that offers 'break-through' coaching and a quantum energetic guided journeying. In this meditative exercise, energetic ceremonial space is held for the client to achieve heightened awareness, reactivation of their heart-brain alignment and discover the healing that is ready to occur for your next stage of ascension growth. All guidance offered in this session will be based on spiritual inspiration, emotional/energetic insight and interactive conversation. (This is a fully intuitive process and not a psychic reading.) When deeply journeying through the subconscious mind, guidance that arises can come from your higher-self or divine beings willing to assist you. Based on what blockages are identified, you may encounter past memories or visions which are key to escalating your ascension. Please be aware that this is a fully empathic experience, as you will be encouraged to 'feel' or 'reexperience' emotions which can offer you the break-through you need. ***Disclaimer*** In active meditation, you will claim 100% responsibility for your healing. In some cases these healing sessions can often be uncomfortable, as memories/emotions will resurface for the client to experience as they arise. This is crucial as it must be acknowledged to be shifted. It is encouraged that once you book this appointment you are willing, open and surrendered to be vulnerable. Of course there is free-will as well, and whatever you are not ready to address is your choice. I am your loving and compassionate guide. We will only venture as far as you are willing to. (This session does not offer certified health care advice nor does it replace your primary care protocols. Please seek a certified healthcare professional for any medical emergency circumstances. Thank you.)

  • 2 hours
  • 220 US dollars
  • Video conferencing

Cancellation Policy

We understand life can be unexpected. Please notify us as soon as possible of any changes and we will reschedule your session promptly. Thank you very much!

Contact Details

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